Krypton Toolkit สำหรับ .NET Winforms ก็คือ Component ที่คล้ายๆกับ Control มาตรฐานของไมโครซอฟท์ เช่น Label TextBox หรือ DataGridView Control แต่จะมีรูปร่างหน้าตาที่ดูดีสวยงามกว่า และยังมี Control พิเศษตัวอื่นๆเสริมเข้ามาอีก ในปัจจุบันเราสามารถนำมาใช้งานได้ฟรีทั้งแบบส่วนบุคคล หรือในทางธุรกิจได้ ...
โค้ดตัวอย่างของจริงนี้จะนำเสนอการควบคุม DataGridView Control ของตัว Krypton Toolkit ซึ่งโค้ดหลักๆจะนำมาจากการควบคุม DataGridView ของไมโครซอฟท์ แต่จะแก้ไขโค้ดบางส่วนจากของเดิมในเรื่องของการทำ Validate Data หรือการเช็คความถูกต้องของข้อมูล ก่อนที่จะทำการบันทึกข้อมูลลงไปในฐานข้อมูล เช่น การป้อนค่าเลขจำนวนเต็ม หรือจำนวนเลขทศนิยม เป็นต้น ซึ่งเราจะสามารถแก้ไขข้อมูลในแต่ละเซลล์ได้เอง ในลักษณะที่เรียกกันว่า In Line Edit ทำให้อำนวยความสะดวกต่อผู้ใช้งานได้ค่อนข้างดี และในโปรเจคนี้จะใช้การเขียนด้วยโค้ดขึ้นมาเกือบทั้งหมด เราจะเห็นผลลัพธ์ของการทำงานก็ต่อเมื่อสั่งรันให้โปรแกรมทำงาน (Run Time) ซึ่งจะมีประสิทธิภาพมากกว่าการใช้ Design Time ...
คลิปวิดีโอการสร้างกลุ่ม Control ของฟรีจาก Krypton Toolkit แบบ Manual ลงใน ToolBox และการทำ Skin (Palette)

มาดูโค้ดฉบับเต็มกันเถอะ ... .Net Framework 4.0 - '// Last updated 18/9/2564
- '// for .Net Framework 3.5+
- '// https://www.nuget.org/packages/Krypton.Toolkit/5.550.2108.1
- '//
- '// for .Net Framework 4.6.2+ (
- '// https://www.nuget.org/packages/Krypton.Toolkit
- Imports Krypton.Toolkit
- Public Class frmKryptonDataGridView
- Private Sub frmKryptonDataGridView_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
- '// The form must be set to Press KeyPreview = True.
- Select Case e.KeyCode
- Case Keys.F7
- Call AddRow()
- Case Keys.F8
- Call DeleteRow()
- End Select
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / S T A R T ... H E R E
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub frmKryptonDataGridView_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
- Me.KeyPreview = True
- Call InitializeGrid()
- Call AddRow()
- '// KryptonToolkit Palette.
- With cmbPalette
- .Items.Add("Office2003")
- .Items.Add("Office2007Blue")
- .Items.Add("Office2007Silver")
- .Items.Add("Office2007Black")
- .Items.Add("Office2010Blue")
- .Items.Add("Office2010Silver")
- .Items.Add("Office2010Black")
- End With
- cmbPalette.SelectedIndex = 4
- '// Set to KryptonDataGridView By changing the Palette according to the main form.
- Me.PaletteMode = Krypton.Toolkit.PaletteMode.Global
- '// If you want to specify a specific display, you can select PaletteMode.
- Me.dgvData.PaletteMode = Krypton.Toolkit.PaletteMode.Global
- 'Me.dgvData.PaletteMode = Krypton.Toolkit.PaletteMode.Office2007Black
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Change Palette Mode.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub cmbPalette_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbPalette.SelectedIndexChanged
- Dim manager As New KryptonManager()
- Select Case cmbPalette.SelectedIndex
- Case 0
- 'KryptonManager.GlobalPaletteMode = PaletteModeManager.ProfessionalOffice2003
- manager.GlobalPaletteMode = PaletteModeManager.ProfessionalOffice2003
- Case 1
- manager.GlobalPaletteMode = PaletteModeManager.Office2007Blue
- Case 2
- manager.GlobalPaletteMode = PaletteModeManager.Office2007Silver
- Case 3
- manager.GlobalPaletteMode = PaletteModeManager.Office2007Black
- Case 4
- manager.GlobalPaletteMode = PaletteModeManager.Office2010Blue
- Case 5
- manager.GlobalPaletteMode = PaletteModeManager.Office2010Silver
- Case 6
- manager.GlobalPaletteMode = PaletteModeManager.Office2010Black
- End Select
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Initialized DataGridView @Run Time.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub InitializeGrid()
- With dgvData
- .RowHeadersVisible = False
- .AllowUserToAddRows = False
- .AllowUserToDeleteRows = False
- .AllowUserToResizeRows = False
- .MultiSelect = False
- '// Need to modify each cell.
- .SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect
- .ReadOnly = False
- '// Font for RowTemplate.
- .RowTemplate.DefaultCellStyle.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 11, FontStyle.Regular)
- .RowTemplate.MinimumHeight = 32
- '// Header.
- .ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 11, FontStyle.Bold)
- '// Show alternating colors in even and odd rows.
- .AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue
- ' Automatically set the width.
- .AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill
- '// Set ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode before adjusting row heights.
- 'dgvData.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.EnableResizing
- dgvData.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.DisableResizing
- dgvData.ColumnHeadersHeight = 36
- '// GridStyles
- '.GridStyles.Style = DataGridViewStyle.List
- '.GridStyles.Style = DataGridViewStyle.Mixed
- .GridStyles.Style = DataGridViewStyle.Sheet
- End With
- '// Create columns dynamically.
- Dim colString As New KryptonDataGridViewTextBoxColumn() '// Index 0
- dgvData.Columns.Add(colString)
- With dgvData.Columns(0) '// OR colString
- .Name = "colString"
- .HeaderText = "String"
- End With
- '//
- Dim colInteger As New KryptonDataGridViewTextBoxColumn() '// Index 1
- dgvData.Columns.Add(colInteger)
- With colInteger
- .Name = "colInteger"
- .HeaderText = "Integer"
- .DefaultCellStyle.Format = "0"
- End With
- '//
- Dim colDouble As New KryptonDataGridViewTextBoxColumn() '// Index 2
- dgvData.Columns.Add(colDouble)
- With colDouble
- .Name = "colDouble"
- .HeaderText = "Double"
- .DefaultCellStyle.Format = "0.00"
- End With
- '//
- Dim colCombo As New KryptonDataGridViewComboBoxColumn() '// Index 3
- dgvData.Columns.Add(colCombo)
- With colCombo
- .Name = "colCombo"
- .HeaderText = "ComboBox"
- .DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
- .ReadOnly = False
- .DisplayMember = "Name"
- .DataSource = GetDataTable()
- End With
- '//
- '// Create a KryptonDataGridViewDateTimePickerColumn.
- Dim dateTimePickerColumn As New KryptonDataGridViewDateTimePickerColumn() '// Index 4
- With dateTimePickerColumn
- .HeaderText = "Date"
- .Name = "colDate"
- '// Set the format of the DateTimePicker.
- .Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Short
- End With
- '// Add the column to the KryptonDataGridViewCheckBoxColumn.
- dgvData.Columns.Add(dateTimePickerColumn)
- '//
- Dim colCheckBox As New KryptonDataGridViewCheckBoxColumn() '// Index 5
- dgvData.Columns.Add(colCheckBox)
- With colCheckBox
- .Name = "colCheckBox"
- .HeaderText = "CheckBox"
- End With
- '//
- Dim colUpDown As New KryptonDataGridViewNumericUpDownColumn() '// Index 6
- dgvData.Columns.Add(colUpDown)
- With colUpDown
- .Name = "colUpDown"
- .HeaderText = "UpDown"
- .Maximum = 100
- .Minimum = 0
- .Increment = 1
- End With
- '// Add 8th column (Index = 7), It's Button.
- Dim btnAddRow As New KryptonDataGridViewButtonColumn() '// Index 7
- dgvData.Columns.Add(btnAddRow)
- With btnAddRow
- .HeaderText = "Add-F7"
- .Text = "Add"
- .Name = "btnAddRow"
- .UseColumnTextForButtonValue = True
- .Width = 80
- End With
- '// Add 9th column (Index = 8), It's Button.
- Dim btnRemoveRow As New KryptonDataGridViewButtonColumn() '// Index 8
- dgvData.Columns.Add(btnRemoveRow)
- With btnRemoveRow
- .HeaderText = "Del-F8"
- .Text = "Delete"
- .Name = "btnRemoveRow"
- .UseColumnTextForButtonValue = True
- .Width = 80
- End With
- '// Alignment header and cell any columns.
- For iCol As Byte = 1 To 8
- If iCol = 1 Or iCol = 2 Then
- dgvData.Columns(iCol).HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight
- dgvData.Columns(iCol).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight
- ElseIf iCol = 3 Or iCol = 4 Or iCol = 6 Then
- dgvData.Columns(iCol).HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
- dgvData.Columns(iCol).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
- Else
- dgvData.Columns(iCol).HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
- dgvData.Columns(iCol).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
- End If
- Next
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Sample DataTable for ComboBox.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function GetDataTable() As DataTable
- Dim DT As DataTable = New DataTable
- '// Add new columns.
- With DT.Columns
- .Add("PK", GetType(Integer))
- .Add("Name", GetType(String))
- End With
- '// Add sample data rows.
- With DT.Rows
- .Add(1, "M100")
- .Add(2, "M150")
- .Add(3, "M16")
- .Add(4, "M4")
- .Add(5, "AK47")
- .Add(6, "RPG")
- End With
- Return DT
- End Function
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub AddRow()
- Dim RandGen As New Random()
- '// Random Double Value.
- Dim minValue As Double = 0.0 ' Minimum value for the range
- Dim maxValue As Double = 9999.0 ' Maximum value for the range
- '// Generate a random double between minValue and maxValue.
- Dim randomDouble As Double = RandGen.NextDouble() * (maxValue - minValue) + minValue
- '// ComboBox.
- 'Dim ls As New List(Of String) ({"M100", "M150", "M16", "M4", "AK47", "RPG"})
- '// Get sample data from DataTable.
- Dim dt As DataTable = GetDataTable()
- Dim ls As New List(Of String)()
- For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
- ls.Add(row("Name").ToString())
- Next
- '// Random value from List.
- Dim RandArray As String = ls(RandGen.Next(0, ls.Count))
- '// Sample data for each columns.
- '// String, Integer, Double, ComboBox, Date, CheckBox, UpDown
- dgvData.Rows.Add( _
- "Product " & RandGen.Next(1, 999), _
- RandGen.Next(1, 999), _
- randomDouble, _
- RandArray, _
- DateTime.Today.AddDays(-RandGen.Next(365)), _
- IIf(RandGen.Next(0, 2) > 0, "True", "False"), _
- RandGen.Next(1, 100) _
- )
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Sub program to delete selected rows.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub DeleteRow()
- If dgvData.RowCount = 0 Then Return
- '// Delete selected row items.
- dgvData.Rows.Remove(dgvData.CurrentRow)
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Click mouse event in grid cell.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub dgvData_CellClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvData.CellClick
- Select Case e.ColumnIndex
- '// Add Row.
- Case 7
- Call AddRow()
- '// Delete Row.
- Case 8
- 'MsgBox(("Row : " + e.RowIndex.ToString & " Col : ") + e.ColumnIndex.ToString)
- Call DeleteRow()
- End Select
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Enter press event in grid cell.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub dgvData_CellEndEdit(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvData.CellEndEdit
- '/ change occurred in the 1st or 2nd index digit.
- Select Case e.ColumnIndex
- Case 1 '/ Integer Value.
- '/ Index = 1 (Integer)
- '/ To trap errors in the case of having a Null Value, enter the value 0 instead.
- If IsNothing(dgvData.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(1).Value) Then dgvData.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(1).Value = "0"
- '/ Handle the CellFormatting event to format numeric values.
- AddHandler dgvData.CellFormatting, AddressOf KryptonDataGridView_CellFormatting
- Case 2 '/ Double Value.
- '/ Index = 2 (Double)
- '/ If Null Value
- If IsNothing(dgvData.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(2).Value) Then dgvData.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(2).Value = "0.00"
- '/ Handle the CellFormatting event to format numeric values.
- AddHandler dgvData.CellFormatting, AddressOf KryptonDataGridView_CellFormatting
- End Select
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / When you start pressing the keys in digits (Index) 1 and 2.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub dgvData_EditingControlShowing(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles dgvData.EditingControlShowing
- '// Or use the index columns of DataGridView.
- 'Select Case dgvData.Columns(dgvData.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex).Index
- ' Case 1
- '
- 'End Select
- '// Don't forget to specify the Column Name earlier as well (InitializeGrid sub program).
- Select Case dgvData.Columns(dgvData.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex).Name
- ' / Can use both Colume Index or Field Name
- Case "colInteger", "colDouble"
- If TypeOf e.Control Is Krypton.Toolkit.KryptonDataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl Then
- Dim editingControl As Krypton.Toolkit.KryptonDataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl = TryCast(e.Control, Krypton.Toolkit.KryptonDataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl)
- '// Event Handler for intercepts keystrokes.
- AddHandler editingControl.KeyPress, AddressOf KryptonDataGridViewKeyPress
- End If
- End Select
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Intercepts keystrokes only with numeric and point (.) only one.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub KryptonDataGridViewKeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs)
- Select Case dgvData.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
- Case 1, 6 '// Integer
- '// Allow numeric digits (0-9) in the TextBox.
- If Not Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) AndAlso Not Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) Then e.Handled = True
- Case 2 '// Double
- '// Allow numeric digits (0-9) and the decimal point (.) only one in the TextBox.
- If Not Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) AndAlso Not Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) AndAlso e.KeyChar <> "." Then e.Handled = True
- '// Check for an existing decimal point in the cell.
- Dim tb As KryptonDataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl = DirectCast(sender, KryptonDataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl)
- If e.KeyChar = "." AndAlso tb.Text.Contains(".") Then e.Handled = True
- End Select
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Event Handler from dgvData_CellEndEdit to format numbers.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub KryptonDataGridView_CellFormatting(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs)
- If e.ColumnIndex = dgvData.Columns("colInteger").Index Then
- '// Format as an integer.
- If Not e.Value Is Nothing AndAlso IsNumeric(e.Value) Then e.Value = CInt(e.Value)
- ElseIf e.ColumnIndex = dgvData.Columns("colDouble").Index Then
- '// Format as a double with two decimal places.
- If Not e.Value Is Nothing AndAlso IsNumeric(e.Value) Then e.Value = CDbl(e.Value).ToString("0.00")
- End If
- End Sub
- End Class
ดาวน์โหลดโค้ดฉบับเต็ม VB.NET (2022) + .Net Framework 4.6.2+ ได้ที่นี่ ...
ดาวน์โหลดโค้ดฉบับเต็ม VB.NET (2010) + .Net Framework 4.0 ได้ที่นี่ ...
ขออภัย! โพสต์นี้มีไฟล์แนบหรือรูปภาพที่ไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้คุณเข้าถึง
คุณจำเป็นต้อง ลงชื่อเข้าใช้ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดหรือดูไฟล์แนบนี้ คุณยังไม่มีบัญชีใช่ไหม? ลงทะเบียน