โค้ดชุดนี้เป็นการคำนวณอัตราการแลกเปลี่ยนเงินตราเทียบกับสกุลเงินยูโรจาก European Central Bank (ECB) โค้ดจะทำการแยกแยะข้อมูล (Parser) ออกจากเอกสาร XML แล้วทำการจับคู่ (Pair) สกุลเงินกับอัตราแลกเปลี่ยน (2 Attribute) เพื่อนำไปคำนวณหาอัตราแลกเปลี่ยนระหว่างสกุลเงิน เช่น US Dollar มาเป็น Thai Baht ...
มาดูโค้ดกันเถอะ ...
- Public Class frmExchangeCurrency
- '// Match the currency with the rate.
- '// From XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
- '// <Cube currency="USD" rate="1.0963"/>
- Private ReadOnly ExchangeRate As Dictionary(Of String, Decimal) = New Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)()
- Private Sub frmExchangeCurrency_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
- With Amount
- .DecimalPlaces = 2
- .ThousandsSeparator = True
- End With
- With cmbFrom
- .IntegralHeight = False
- .MaxDropDownItems = 10
- End With
- With cmbTo
- .IntegralHeight = False
- .MaxDropDownItems = 10
- End With
- lblUpDate.Text = ""
- lblExchange.Text = ""
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnParser_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnParser.Click
- lblExchange.Text = ""
- Call InitialListView()
- Call LoadCurrency()
- End Sub
- '// Initialize ListView Control
- Sub InitialListView()
- ExchangeRate.Clear()
- With lvwRate
- .Clear()
- .View = View.Details
- .GridLines = True
- .FullRowSelect = True
- .HideSelection = False
- .MultiSelect = False
- .Columns.Add("Currency", lvwRate.Width \ 2)
- .Columns.Add("Rate", lvwRate.Width \ 2 - 20)
- End With
- End Sub
- '// XML Parser.
- Private Sub LoadCurrency()
- '// Sample XML Format.
- '<Cube>
- '<Cube time="2023-04-10">
- '<Cube currency="USD" rate="1.0963"/>
- '<Cube currency="JPY" rate="117.66"/>
- '<Cube currency="BGN" rate="1.9558"/>
- '<Cube currency="CZK" rate="26.864"/>
- '<Cube currency="DKK" rate="7.4623"/>
- '<Cube currency="GBP" rate="0.87253"/>
- '<Cube currency="HUF" rate="350.70"/>
- '<Cube currency="PLN" rate="4.5473"/>
- '<Cube currency="RON" rate="4.8343"/>
- '<Cube currency="SEK" rate="10.9158"/>
- '<Cube currency="CHF" rate="1.0543"/>
- '<Cube currency="ISK" rate="155.90"/>
- '<Cube currency="NOK" rate="11.3118"/>
- '<Cube currency="HRK" rate="7.6130"/>
- '<Cube currency="RUB" rate="80.3923"/>
- '<Cube currency="TRY" rate="7.4472"/>
- '<Cube currency="AUD" rate="1.7139"/>
- '<Cube currency="BRL" rate="5.6585"/>
- '<Cube currency="CAD" rate="1.5257"/>
- '<Cube currency="CNY" rate="7.7366"/>
- '<Cube currency="HKD" rate="8.4975"/>
- '<Cube currency="IDR" rate="17229.09"/>
- '<Cube currency="ILS" rate="3.9280"/>
- '<Cube currency="INR" rate="83.4940"/>
- '<Cube currency="KRW" rate="1332.53"/>
- '<Cube currency="MXN" rate="25.8485"/>
- '<Cube currency="MYR" rate="4.7508"/>
- '<Cube currency="NZD" rate="1.8008"/>
- '<Cube currency="PHP" rate="55.453"/>
- '<Cube currency="SGD" rate="1.5521"/>
- '<Cube currency="THB" rate="35.860"/>
- '<Cube currency="ZAR" rate="20.0255"/>
- '</Cube>
- '</Cube>
- Try
- '// Provide Security in VS2010 and .Net Framework lower than 4.5
- System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = DirectCast(3072, System.Net.SecurityProtocolType)
- Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
- xmlDoc.Load("http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml")
- '// Update
- '<Cube time="2023-04-21">
- lblUpDate.Text = "Rates Updated: " & xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes(2).ChildNodes(0).Attributes("time").Value.ToString
- For Each node As XmlNode In xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes(2).ChildNodes(0).ChildNodes
- '// Match currency and exchange rates.
- '// <Cube currency="USD" rate="1.0963"/>
- ExchangeRate.Add(node.Attributes("currency").Value, Decimal.Parse(node.Attributes("rate").Value))
- Dim LV As ListViewItem
- LV = lvwRate.Items.Add(node.Attributes("currency").Value) '// Create main node.
- LV.SubItems.Add(node.Attributes("rate").Value)
- '// Add to ComboBox.
- cmbFrom.Items.Add(node.Attributes("currency").Value)
- cmbTo.Items.Add(node.Attributes("currency").Value)
- Next
- '// Sorting ListView from A to Z (Ascending)
- Me.lvwRate.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending
- cmbFrom.SelectedIndex = 0
- cmbTo.SelectedIndex = 0
- Catch ex As Exception
- MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Read Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
- End Try
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnExchange_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExchange.Click
- If cmbFrom.Items.Count = 0 AndAlso cmbTo.Items.Count = 0 Then Return
- '// Get pair value from ExchangeRate.
- Dim ExchangeCurrency As Double = (Amount.Value / ExchangeRate(cmbFrom.Text)) * ExchangeRate(cmbTo.Text)
- lblExchange.Text = Amount.Value & " " & cmbFrom.Text & " = " & ExchangeCurrency.ToString("#,##0.00") & " " & cmbTo.Text
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
- Me.Close()
- End Sub
- Private Sub frmExchangeCurrency_FormClosed(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
- Me.Dispose()
- GC.SuppressFinalize(Me)
- Application.Exit()
- End Sub
- End Class
ดาวน์โหลดโค้ดต้นฉบับ VB.NET (2010) ได้ที่นี่ ...
ขออภัย! โพสต์นี้มีไฟล์แนบหรือรูปภาพที่ไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้คุณเข้าถึง
คุณจำเป็นต้อง ลงชื่อเข้าใช้ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดหรือดูไฟล์แนบนี้ คุณยังไม่มีบัญชีใช่ไหม? ลงทะเบียน